He Ram
Thursday February 4th, 2016, at 7:30am, our Spiritual Yoga Pilgrimage officially commenced, with yoga asana and meditation practice, led by our tour leaders, and Raja Yoga Teachers, Michele and Mehrad. After breakfast, abounding with anticipation, we embarked our bus to begin our tour of New and Old Delhi. Once settled on the bus, our excited conversations were silenced by the sound of Mehrad’s voice on the microphone “I invite you to two minutes of silent meditation…” Back home in Silicon Valley California, USA, everyone was anticipating the "kick-off" to Super Bowl 50, in just a few short days. Here in Delhi, Dr. Tripathi, "kicked-off" our tour of India. With the exception of the ashram, he stayed with our group the entire time. Dr. Tripathi, is so much more than a tour guide, I simply cannot bring myself to refer to him as such. He is an academic scholar, Brahman priest, historical expert, dignitary of the Indian
National Gallery of Modern Art ~ Delhi
As I mentioned in earlier posts, one of the reasons I arrived in Delhi a few days early was to attend the National Gallery of Modern Art (NGMA) – Delhi. Michele, gently insisted that I take transportation from her sources, and I was delighted that she had arranged a driver to take the additional Yoga Pilgrims, who also arrived early, and wanted to enjoy NGMA as well. In the early afternoon, we assembled in the hotel lobby, where Amy and I met a few more of our Yoga Pilgrims. Having met these Yoginis for the first time, we felt an instant connection and sisterhood. The anticipation of meeting each other slowly dissolved, replaced by excitement filling the warm afternoon air. The comradery and conversation was like a runaway train. The expression on Mehrad’s face was one of joy, yet genuine concern, becoming aware that leading this group around India for the next three weeks was going to
Private Rooms, Sūrya, and Xanadu
5:30am Wednesday February 3rd, 2016 – Upon awaking, I try to catch myself between awake and sleep, and lie in bed in savasana (the pose of deep relaxation) for silent meditation. This morning was different as I was in Delhi, India, and my roommate, Amy, was asleep in the bed next to me. Arising and tip-toing around as quietly as possible, I made a cup of tea, dressed for yoga, grabbed my yoga mat, and headed to the Gym to meet Jai. Sleepily I walked through the hotel hallways to the door leading outside to the pool area. I pushed the door open, took a deep breath in, and immediately released the breath out - Holy Cow! I could see my breath! It was sooooo cold. I thought, “This is India right? How can it be so cold? Is it supposed to be this cold? Why am I seeing my breath? Why am I shivering? Is
Angels sent from Heaven
Entering the Spa area, for a steam and an Ayurveda and Himalayan salt scrub massage, the attendants tended to me with regularity. As I mentioned in previous posts, the hotel staff always greeted me with formality as either Mrs. Callan, or madam. Although I completely respect the professional intention, but those of you who know me, for the most part know, I am pretty casual. A shift change in the Spa area brought to me an angelic young attendant who is one of the most stunningly beautiful ladies I have ever seen. She reached out for my hand and asked in a super thick Hindi accent “What is your name?” I said “Kathleen. What is your name?” “ Priti” she replied with a smile that could light up the universe. “Your name suits you as you are very pretty.” Priti laughed and looking at me straight in the eye said “Ka…th…leen, it is wonderful to meet
The Princess in the Palace
Returning from the garden to the hotel lobby, the previously petrified Bell Captains, customarily greeted me with “Namaste”, and a genuine smile as they held the door open for me. The hotel lobby was relatively empty, as I continued roam about taking pictures. "Claridges Hotel Lobby ~ Delhi" Surrounding the marble floored and multi columned lobby was a collection of artwork by Ompal Sansanwal. This piece speaks to me on so many levels, especially the yogic level, because Tree Pose, or Vriksasana, for me is a magically grounded and rooted posture. For information on the health benefits and more information on Vrikasana: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vriksasana I love how Ompal invites the observer to play around and get whimsical with their imagination. "Sansanwail's works are easily identified by the convoluted labyrinth - like maze of colours through which he depicts his larger themes. The figurative elements of his depictions merge effortlessly into the soft curves and lines
Squirrels, Turbans, and Petrified Bell Captains
Spending the day at the Claridges hotel turned out to be an astonishingly necessary component of my transformation. The entirety of the attentive hotel staff was welcomingly formal and always addressed me as Mrs. Callan, or Madam. After breakfast, since I had a brand new camera, I thought I might learn how to use it before the Spiritual Yoga Pilgrimage began, with the intention of gaining proficiency to be as efficient as possible while touring. I decided to start by taking pictures of the hotel. Walking out the front of the hotel, the Bell Captains, exquisitely uniformed and perfectly groomed, hurriedly opening the doors for me, and each met me with a an exchange of “Namaste” and a smile. I strolled through the Indian sunlit kempt garden, which was a paradise inside the fortress of the hotel property. Sequestered from the bustling streets of Delhi, the sounds beyond this magical place filled my imagination with wonder.