Leaving the City by the Bay
As I handed my passport and ticket to the Lufthansa agent at San Francisco International Airport, I felt a deep and profound release of identity, as one often does when surrendering one’s passport. Yet, this was at a whole different level. Something deep inside me was changing, and there was nothing I could about it. The transformation process has begun, so all I can do is become one with the change, to move with it, to breathe with it, to nurture it. After making my way to the Lufthansa lounge, where I intended to begin this blog, I read a neatly typed sign apologizing that the WIFI was down. Being cut-off from the innerweb – really? This in the most technically savvy place on this planet! I interpreted the sign to mean for me ~ to sit with my transformation. Sitting in lotus on a comfy cushioned leather chair, with my mala beads, I closed my
Did I attain Spiritual Enlightenment?
In May of 2015, when my teacher, Michele Herbert, author of The Tenth Door, extended to me the invitation to join her and others on this Spiritual Pilgrimage to India, the ashram experience provided certitude for my decision to accept. Michel and her husband, Mehrad, had studied under Swami Veda Bharati for over 20 years, and had visited his ashram at the base of the Himalayas in Rishikesh, India, on multiple occasions. For seven days, one-third of our visit, we stayed at the”daughter” ashram originally founded by Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama; Śrī Swāmī Rāma, who “left his body” in 1996. In India, it seems, people do not “die” or “pass away,” rather, and more eloquently, they simply “leave their bodies.” The full name of our ashram is Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama. Grama means "village" and Sadhaka means "spiritual seeker" in the Sanskrit language -thus we are "A village of spiritual seekers devoted to the teachings of Swami Rama of the Himalayas.” Built
Did I see people lying on beds of nails?
Continuing with answering questions from my family and friends, with respect to my recent Spiritual Yoga Pilgrimage to India. This question is my personal favorite as it makes me laugh out-loud every time I think of it. This comes from my Canadian friend, Dr. Noel. Before I left for India, I designed for myself a periodization schedule as a method of emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual training. For those of you not familiar with a periodization schedule, it is a methodological and systematic program specifically designed to achieve peak performance in sport. I used meditation, weight training, study of spiritual scriptures, martial arts, and of course, yoga asana. I will detail these later, I promise, but for now, the yoga asana practice I used was a rigorous heart opening sequence I built drawing from Kriya and Raja yoga. This sequence allowed me to “square” with deep emotional healing, and allowed my heart to open completely. When
And, now I am back home
If you have been following this blog - why? I haven't posted anything! Reason being - spotty interweb and my complete desire to not miss a moment, a breath, or a smile. "What happened in India?" "Did I find Spiritual Enlightenment?" "Am I now a Hindu?" These are some of the fascinating questions my family and friends have asked me, along with - "You didn't drink the water did you?" "Do cows really roam the streets?" "Are there dead bodies floating in the Ganges?" And my personal favorite - "Did you see people laying on beds of nails?" Over the next few months, as I continue to unravel from this experience, embracing the beautiful transformation and creative inspiration, I will answer these questions, as from my eyes and my heart I will share with you, India. A little out of order, but I will start with the easiest to answer. "You didn't drink
When we look at where we are, at any present moment, we can look back at all of the points that when connected, lead us to our current place. The Now. My path has lead me to listen. Really listen. What I heard was Mother India is calling. I go to her, Now. Copyright © 2016 Kathleen M. Callan All Rights Reserved
Sunday, January 31st ~ 8:01am, in San Jose, California – I am leaving home for India.
Copyright © 2016 Kathleen M. Callan All Rights Reserved