As I handed my passport and ticket to the Lufthansa agent at San Francisco International Airport, I felt a deep and profound release of identity, as one often does when surrendering one’s passport. Yet, this was at a whole different level. Something deep inside me was changing, and there was nothing I could about it. The transformation process has begun, so all I can do is become one with the change, to move with it, to breathe with it, to nurture it.
After making my way to the Lufthansa lounge, where I intended to begin this blog, I read a neatly typed sign apologizing that the WIFI was down. Being cut-off from the innerweb – really? This in the most technically savvy place on this planet! I interpreted the sign to mean for me ~ to sit with my transformation.
Sitting in lotus on a comfy cushioned leather chair, with my mala beads, I closed my eyes, let my defenses down, and just let go of all of the anticipations of the journey (i.e. Will the flight leave on time? Will the flight land on time? Will I make my connecting flight? What if I don’t make my connecting flight? How will I find my driver?) In mediation, I cleared my mind and allowed the journey to join my transformation.
I have had numerous requests from followers for photographs. So, here we go!
This shot was actually taken as I disembarked in Frankfurt. I love the coincidental name of the Aircraft, Delhi

Home for the next 11 hours

Leaving the City by the Bay
As we headed down the runway, I listed to Aad Guray sung by Deva Premal.
Mantra: Aad Gureh Nameh
- Complete Mantra: Aad Gureh Nameh, Jugaad Guray Nameh, Sat Guray Nameh, Siri Guroo Dayvay Nameh
- Language:Gurmukhi
- Source: Sukhmani Sahib (prayer of peace)
- Author: Guru Arjun Dev Ji, Fifth Guru of the Sikhs
- Translation:
I bow to the primal Guru
I bow to the truth that has existed throughout the ages
I bow to True Wisdom
I bow to the Great Divine Wisdom
- More Information:
This is a mantra of protection and is recited to invoke the protective energy of the universe.
Many people chant this mantra when they need extra protection. It is part of the “triple mantra”, and is often spoken before driving a car to create a protective energy around the those in the car.
When you cannot be protected, this mantra shall protect you. When things stop, and won’t move, this makes them move in your direction. – Yogi Bhajan
I felt safe and protected and landed on time in Frankfurt, Germany.
Namaste –
Copyright © 2016 Kathleen M. Callan
All Rights Reserved